How to cancel avast subscription
How to cancel avast subscription

how to cancel avast subscription

STEP 3: On the Your subscriptions page, tap on Unsubscribe next to the relevant subscription. And If you cannot locate this email, then click on ‘Forgot your order ID?, inserting your email address and the last four digits of the credit card used in purchasing, this will enable you to locate your order ID if forgotten. NOTE: You can locate your order ID and password in the order confirmation email.

how to cancel avast subscription

(Make sure your password is correctly imputed).

how to cancel avast subscription

STEP 2: type your order ID and password, then select or click Find Order. STEP 1: Open Avast customer portal in your internet browser using the link: How to cancel Avast subscription via the Avast customer portal:

  • Avast Account: if your subscription is connected to an Avast Account, you can cancel your Avast Subscription through Avast Account.
  • Avast customer portal: This implies if you have access to your order confirmation email, then you can cancel your subscription through Avast customer portal.
  • You can disable or cancel your Avast Subscription using either of the following platforms: To cancel your Avast subscription on Windows, be sure which distributor you ordered your Avast from, you can also check the order confirmation email or debit/credit card statement to confirm which distributor you purchased your Avast from.

    How to cancel avast subscription